Karen from Ottawa asks
How old do turtles have to be to have turtle eggs? And do 2 turtles have to have different sex to...
TJ from Thunder Bay asks
Last spring and summer there were millions of army worms creeping all over everything. Maybe worse...
Elise asks
I have done lots of research on auroras and I understand almost every thing about them. The basic...
Sara asks
What happens to a compass when it is held exactly on magnetic north? Does it just spin?
Russell Westhaver from Vancouver asks
I've got a question about light. As I understand it, light is a particular form of energy--in order...
Gary Kolling asks
What Satellite Galaxy is moving fastest toward the Galactic center? What Satellite Galaxy is moving...
Ed Kasica from Oldsmar, florida asks
Why does a magnetic field in the form of a bar magnet effect the movement of a planaria? Does it...
Val Mullen asks
Is there really a tree in Tasmania called the Huon Pine that is 20,000 years old?
Fester from Tacoma asks
I'm doing a science project and my topic is about the speed of sound. I was wondering if you...
Angela from Portland asks
This question is in regard to ‘vintage Lucite purses’ that sometimes end up having an odor...
S.Leeberman asks
How do I estimate the mass of an object when I know its volume and nothing more? For example, how...
Thomas from Middlesbrough, Australia asks
How many times can you split up an atom?
Robert Cunningham from Dallas, Texas asks
If you shine a light through a glass of water, the light slows down. What makes it speed up again...
Edward Lotus from Mississauga, Ontario. asks
Why is it that we always can draw nice electric field lines and magnetic field lines relative to...
KIm from Waldorf asks
What furnishs H30+ in water solution?
Reggie Lykins from Cincinnati asks
I have two questions. 1. Do jellyfish have ears and if so can they hear well? 2. How many...
Cory from Victoria, Texas asks
Why are rail road pieces magnetized? Me and my friend noticed particles of steel and iron forming...
Loubelle I. Depita from Koronadal City, South Cotabato, Philippines asks
Why does Nitric Acid stain the human skin yellow?
Pierce H. asks
Does mercury in its gas form act the same way as air - I mean if heated, does it rise?
Ian Gordon from Exeter, Devon, UK asks
Since puberty I have always been tall and thin with very long legs. I was a fair player of rugby...
Sarah from Northampton England asks
How do you measure the pH of soil? How do you make up a solution of different pHs? What is the best...
David Keirsey asks
What are the quantum numbers that are involved in the distinction between matter and antimatter? I...
E.H. from AOL asks
I understand about the Curie tempurature but I am wondering if an electromagnet has a Curie...
Andy (Dionne) Setlow from Madison, Alabama, USA asks
I have long struggled to understand why the temperature of various wavelengths track so closely...
Alvina Chung from Sydney asks
The first four facts below suggest that the earth should be getting heavier and heavier - but it...
Marke Jones from Aurora, Ontario asks
Why do many pharmaceutical drugs have HCl (hydrochloride) associated with them? Is this a...
David Howard from UK asks
Can you tell me whether it would be possible to launch a spacecraft into orbit using a giant...
D Selman asks
Why do I see green and orange lines in a sodium ion when my flame is the color of yellow?
Gina from Boston, Massachusetts asks
I am allergic to nickel and cobalt. (thanks to patch testing). I think it was provoked by taking...
Tara from the Internet asks
Is it better to keep planaria in pond water or tap water if my experiment deals with feeding them...
Jonathan Weiler asks
If atoms are so small, how can we split them?
Adam Bruneau from Atlanta, GA asks
I want to make sculptures out of old vinyl records by melting them down and pouring them into a...
Furqan from Lahore asks
Why don't ordinary Silicon diodes emit light like LED's?
Yossi Truzman from Ra`anana asks
In our breathing system we have two coenzymes NADH and FADH2. Why do we have two coenzymes? And why...
dina from Cairo, Egypt asks
I'm interested about light. I have two questions: What is the difference between scattering and...
Marin from Split, Croatia asks
What happens when electrons pass through a magnetic field at a velocity near lightspeed?
Daniel Eyre asks
How far is Pluto from the sun, and will we ever be able to travel to other planets, besides the...
Liz Morice asks
What makes the aluminum powder in an Etch-A-Sketch stick to the glass to make an image?
Peter Griffin from Beaufort, SC asks
Are all non-toxic claiming products really non-toxic? And is there any simple way (such as a way...
Ben from the Internet asks
What exactly are Proton Spin Numbers, and how can you have a non-integer proton spin number?
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