Citre asks
What is an aluminum lake? Does it contain aluminum?
Sonia Alvarez from Bogota asks
If Entamoeba Coli is present in the human intestine can other amebic life forms survive there as...
Michael Comeau from the Internet asks
What must occur for two parents with blood type AB to have a child with blood type O?
sinthuja asks
Do the cells in the heart tissue know if there is something wrong with the heart. If so, how do the...
Jessie Meyers from Sydney asks
Why does lemon prevent the browning of apples? When browning of apples is caused by a reaction with...
Ashley Robertson asks
Why is the sound of fingernails scratching against a chalkboard so irritating to listen to?
Janice Tsui from Toronto asks
How long can someone sustain without sleep? What factors would change that number of hours or days?...
David asks
Physicians often want to know the glucose and lipid levels in a patient's blood and whether...
Avi from Vancouver, Canada asks
Are double yolked eggs ever viable? Can they be fertilized? If so are they to be fertilized once or...
Owen Richardson from Cobble Hill (Vancouver Island, B.C.) asks
I understand that cancer is caused by mutations in some of the genes that regulate cell growth and...
Tarek Samaha from Lengerich, Germany asks
I would like to know the amount of salt (either in ppm or %) in a normal human tear.
jake from Duluth/MN USA asks
Can you verify the scientific validity of statements I've heard animal rights groups make,...
Anonymous from Winnipeg asks
We were learning about colour and light when my teacher Mlle. Gelinas told us about this question...
Mateusz from New York asks
Why does it take nerves so long to grow back, more than for skin cells?
Katie from the Internet asks
Does temperature affect the performance of the mind? Such as slowing down the thinking process? Is...
Stanley from Vancouver asks
Why are soccer balls coloured black and white? I heard it has to do with these two colours making...
Nick (via his mother Illan) from Denver, Colorado asks
I put frozen spinach, fresh spinach, canned spinach, frozen peaches, fresh peaches and canned...
Sandra Roberts from Toronto, Ontario asks
Is there a difference between total recall and a photographic memory?
Kate Cunningham from Wellington NZ asks
I saw you answer to the composition of banana peels, but I would really like to know what chemical...
Steph from London, England asks
I've often wondered about this. It's kind of complicated, so bear with me... If a person suddenly...
Rafael Bourdieu asks
Can you tell me about enhancing mental performance and cognitive abilities through brain nutrition...
Heidi from Malaysia asks
Could you please tell me what is inertia? Will it bring us more good than bad in our life? Will you...
Jim from Philadelphia asks
Why doesn't a person lose 9 lb when they consume 1 litre of ice water? If a calorie is the energy...
Dave asks
Is it possible for a girl to get pregnant even if the man did not fully ejaculate? If a man and...
Kelly Gould from Sacramento, CA asks
I am a firearms Instructor for Law Enforcement Officers. I am teaching a course on training male...
Rachel asks
I am doing a science fair project to measure which type of ibuprofen dissolves fastest in stomach...
Katlin from Springville, NY asks
How many languages are there in the world?
Joan & Colleen asks
Are cats left- or right-pawed? What percentage are left pawed/right pawed? We are doing some...
Sarah from Fredericton, NB asks
What is the chemical in banana that causes drowsiness?
Gina Kehoe from Red Lake asks
Is there any other part of your body that acts like the funny bone...dense nerve endings, pain etc....
Angie from New Tripoli, PA asks
What goes on during the change between isometric and isotonic in muscle cells? What does it look...
Ann asks
What does the epiglottis do?
Debora Trozzo from Carlisle, PA asks
What is the chemical formula for milk?
Anthony Hamilton from Vancouver asks
Endel Tulving, Is it possible that what we call "remembering the past" and "imagining the future"...
Davina from Vancouver, Canada asks
Why is it that when you get the chicken pox when you're little it's not as bad as getting it when...
Robin from Brighton asks
How is it that some people can 'float' while others seem unable to? In the sea I can quite happily...
Selena from Surrey asks
Why can't humans listen to two things at the same time and get all the information for both?
M.Shirley from Horam, E. Sussex, UK asks
ULUru is the aboriginal name for Ayer`s Rock, which was a sacred place for native Australian...
Antoinette Tuthill from Dublin asks
Could insulin resistance have been a beneficial adaptation in times when food was not as plentiful?
Tony Aben from Kamloops, BC asks
Is there a simple chart that indicates the amount of carbohydrates in various foods? If so where...
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