Endocrinologist who opened up a whole new branch of biology by discovering convertases, enzymes that cleave proteins to create biologically active chemicals such as hormones
One of the first researchers to isolate the organism which causes Kala-azar disease
Co-discoverer of convertases, enzymes that cleave proteins to create biologically active chemicals such as hormones
Plant Pathologist: Expert in wheat stem rust
Developed dermatoglyphics, the study of skin patterns on the hands and feet.
particle physics
Developed Hebb synapse and cell assembly theory
Physicist; among the first to study X-rays
First radio broadcast and scores of other inventions
Father of Canadian parasitology
Father of the study of human coprolites
World expert in the molecular regulation of inflammation and immunity
Studied natural systems and the response of predators to prey
Designed and developed electronic filters
Physicist: first person to attempt to build a fission reactor
An internationally respected authority in the field of bioelectromagnetics
Cloned the Nramp gene and the mdr gene
One of the original patentees of insulin, and one of first to isolate parathyroid hormone
Medical biophysicist: Discovered the membrane transport protein P-glycoprotein
Discoverer of key role that hyaluronic acid plays in cell migration, and mechanisms that start and stop cancer growth.
One of the foremost authorities in the field of paleontology, First proposed that asteroids or comets might be linked to mass extinctions of dinosaurs
World-famous pioneer and popularizer of research on biological stress in human individuals and groups
Founder of modern structural geology; Canada’s most eminent geologist prior to 1950
Pioneer of arctic geology and one of the first to recognize the oil and gas potential of the arctic
Spectroscopist who combines physics and chemistry to help understand the dynamic characteristics of molecules
Early pioneer of nuclear physics
Developed Fourier Transform Ion Cyclotron Resonance Spectroscopy
Pioneered the hot-water recovery process for extracting oil from tar sands.
Prof. Livingston has performed research on ferromagnetic, superconducting, and mechanical properties of metals and alloys. He is now primarily occupied with teaching and writing.
Pioneer of toxicology in Canada
Geophysicist who helped establish a new branch of Earth system science linking geophysical processes with orbital dynamics and the long-term evolution of the Earth’s climate
Founded the famous Montreal Botanical Gardens
Developed new classes of heat absorbing chemicals
Discovered inverse Raman effect spectroscopy
Determined precise atomic mass by greatly increasing resolution of the mass spectrometer
Pioneer in the scientific study of the Newfoundland fishery
Noted for studies on electrical activity in human and animal brains
Oceanographer; Professor; Administrator: Studied turbulence spectra in oceanography
Improved the resolution of radioautography
Invented electronic musical instruments