Developed theory for the 3-quark model
Endocrinologist; developed a method for testing infants for hypothyroidism
Developed the concept of exhalative ore deposits
Research on computer vision
Best-known physician in the English-speaking world around 1900
forestry:remote sensing
Developed early theories of computer vision and artificial intelligence
Discovered the cell growth switch
Cancer researcher, whose work is leading to the creation of new anti-cancer treatments
Internationally recognized authority in the field of Civil/Geotechnical Engineering
Internationally recognized for his work on cellular organization: how cells respond to growth signals, and how they communicate with each other
Authority on the flow properties of molten polymers; their measurement and use in polymer science and plastics engineering
Pioneer in nuclear science; designed and built Canada's first mass spectrometer, built McMaster University to a respected research facility.
Pioneered the application of wind tunnels to the design of wind sensitive structures and worked to create international design standards for wind engineering.
Inventor: First person to make newsprint from wood pulp
Pioneer in the field of thermal plasma systems.
Invented the alkaline battery
Chemist; Cereals Experimentalist: Developed Marquis wheat for the Canadian West
Greatest Canadian natural products chemist
Discovered importance of vitamin D in children’s skeletal disease of rickets
Pioneering research in phytochemistry, world expert on herbal and medicinal plants.
World’s authority on contaminated soils and their mitigation
Invented and developed the Prism Light Guide System
Geneticist: International authority on genetics of host-parasite relations
Pioneer radiochemist: world authority on counting beta-radiation; mastermind behind Canada's foremost research lab for nuclear chemistry at McGill.
Popularized science
Conducted a series of experiments that would eventually result in the first proof of the existence of stem cells, a discovery that would revolutionize our understanding of human biology and disease.
Shared the 2009 Nobel Prize in medicine for the discovery of telomeres.
Developed steel alloys that don’t crack in the cold of Canada’s far north
Pioneer in the use of micropaleontology to map Canada's terrestrial and marine geology. The third woman to work as a scientist at the Geological Survey of Canada and one of the first two to be...
First purified insulin.
Global authority on pulp and paper chemistry
World leader in the chemistry of organic free radicals and first to recognize Vitamin E as a powerful agent that targets free radicals and neutralizes their harmful effects.
Contributed to our understanding of where mitochondria and chloroplasts came from by conducting experiments supporting the endosymbiont hypothesis. He has also demonstrated the importance of...
Major contributions to our understanding of genome size.
Wrote "The C Programming Language" with Dennis Ritchie.