Geophysicist: pioneer in the study of plate tectonics
Won the Nobel Prize for verifying the quark theory
Theoretical studies of the cosmic background radiation and dark energy, and lead theoretician on the Boomerang experiment.
Top Canadian molecular biologist studying the genetics of fish populations
Pioneered the physics of ancient archeological materials
Canada's most respected astronomer
Biologist: Invented mathematical ecology
Greatly increased our knowledge of the mammals that lived in the Canadian North during the last ice age.
The father of canola: a plant breeder who transformed rapeseed into an edible oilseed crop success story
A founding father of experimental petrology.
Director of the Sudbury Neutrino Observatory. Discovered that neutrinos have mass and that they can change from one type of neutrino to another.
Predicted and measured the cosmic background radiation from the big bang, as well as predicting the existence of dark matter and dark energy in the universe.
One of the main originators of conflict theory, game theory, and peace research
Identified a new species of ancient human, “Peking Man”
Talented algebraist whose vigorous career in mathematics was cut short by cancer.
Won the Nobel prize in chemistry for studying electron transfer reactions
Pathologist. Developed a classification system for congenital heart diseases
Geomatics Engineer and world expert in the research and development of satellite navigation tools using GPS
Established the Fields medal, the "Nobel Prize" of mathematics.
Pioneered biofilm microbiology
Contributing to theories on gravity and black holes, early cosmology, and quantum phenomena
Developed the theory and built the first materials that can make optical computing a reality.
Pioneering advances in partial differential equations and wave propagation math used in aerodynamics, acoustics and optics
Astronomer and engineer who created a new design in reflecting telescopes
Visual neuroscientist who has pioneered research into how our brains see and hear, and how animals like monarch butterflies and seabirds navigate amazing distances.
Internationally renowned mathematician who, with his brother Jonathan, calculated the value of pi to a new world record.
Endocrinologist who won the 2007 King Faisal Prize for developing a steroid hormone therapy for prostate cancer.
One of the world's foremost experts on the molecular understanding of the ways bacteria infect their hosts
International authority in veterinary virology and immunology
Developed a species ID system called 'DNA barcoding', which uses a small DNA fragment to discriminate species.
Canada’s first female nuclear physicist
Co-designed the first commercially available electron microscope in North America
World's foremost expert on the study of white dwarf stars
First to synthesize sucrose and many blood chemistry compounds
Geneticist and science communicator: famous as popularizer of science and ecological issues
First woman geologist in Canada, expert in paleozoic formations
Atmospheric scientist who has worked on several space satellite missions.
World authority on the genetics of Alzheimer disease
Researched magnetic excitations and structures of solids and liquids; first to observe the "Haldane Gap", thereby confirming a previously controversial theory in quantum magnetism.
Developed a model for estimating fish populations using VPA (virtual population analysis)