One of the finest metallurgical engineers of the twentieth century.
Designed the supergun, the GC-45 howitzer; Aerophysicist, artillery designer and ballistics expert
Pioneered the hot-water recovery process for extracting oil from tar sands.
Pioneered the application of wind tunnels to the design of wind sensitive structures and worked to create international design standards for wind engineering.
Authority on the flow properties of molten polymers; their measurement and use in polymer science and plastics engineering
Inventor: First person to make newsprint from wood pulp
Pioneer in the field of thermal plasma systems.
Developed steel alloys that don’t crack in the cold of Canada’s far north
Internationally recognized authority in the field of Civil/Geotechnical Engineering
Global authority on pulp and paper chemistry
forestry:remote sensing
Invented the alkaline battery
Pioneer radiochemist: world authority on counting beta-radiation; mastermind behind Canada's foremost research lab for nuclear chemistry at McGill.
World’s authority on contaminated soils and their mitigation