Researching the theory of elementary particles, condensed matter and cosmology
Expert in laser and plasma physics
Research in condensed matter physics
Worked with the deaf, inventor.
A pioneer in the field of Nuclear Magnetic Resonance who is now applying his expertise to the study of biological membranes.
Theoretical studies of the cosmic background radiation and dark energy, and lead theoretician on the Boomerang experiment.
Co-Inventor of the Charge Coupled Device for which he won the 2009 Nobel Prize in Physics
particle physics
Won the Nobel Prize in 1994 for designing the Triple-Axis Neutron Spectroscope and his use of it to investigate Condensed Matter
Researched magnetic excitations and structures of solids and liquids; first to observe the "Haldane Gap", thereby confirming a previously controversial theory in quantum magnetism.
Expert on superconductivity
Builder of the Canadian space program
World leader in the field of Numerical Relativity
Determined precise atomic mass by greatly increasing resolution of the mass spectrometer
Led physics research at the Chalk River Nuclear Laboratories during its most constructive years.
First radio broadcast and scores of other inventions
World's foremost expert on the study of white dwarf stars
Elucidation of the physics of spin ices; theory of geometrically-frustrated magnetic materials and the spin ice ground state in pyrochlore magnets.
Early pioneer of nuclear physics
Studies in atomic energy and nuclear physics
Co-designed the first commercially available electron microscope in North America
Developed theory for the 3-quark model
Physicist and cosmologist: Wrote the first logically precise theory for the simplicity of black holes (1967)
Author of Classical Electrodynamics
Popular writer on the origin and diversity of planetary systems and the formation of stars and brown dwarfs.
Developed the theory and built the first materials that can make optical computing a reality.
Founding father of nuclear science in Saskatchewan
First President of the Canadian Space Agency Contributed to the advancement of science in Canada
Physicist: first person to attempt to build a fission reactor
Invented electronic musical instruments
Medical biophysicist: Discovered the membrane transport protein P-glycoprotein
Prof. Livingston has performed research on ferromagnetic, superconducting, and mechanical properties of metals and alloys. He is now primarily occupied with teaching and writing.
Director of the Sudbury Neutrino Observatory. Discovered that neutrinos have mass and that they can change from one type of neutrino to another.
Detected an elusive subatomic particle which has been sought for over a decade: the single top quark.
Predicted and measured the cosmic background radiation from the big bang, as well as predicting the existence of dark matter and dark energy in the universe.
Astronomer and engineer who created a new design in reflecting telescopes
World famous cosmologist and science communicator
Nuclear scientist killed by radiation accident at Los Alamos, New Mexico in 1946.
Discovered inverse Raman effect spectroscopy
World expert on superconductivity