Adolfo J. de Bold Medicine

Biochemist; Discovered that the heart produces a hormone, the Atrial Natriuretic Factor (ANF)

The Story

As an undergraduate de Bold studied at the National University of Cordoba, Argentina. In 1968, he came to Canada where he received his MSc and PhD at Queen’s University in Kingston, Ontario, in Pathology. In 1973, he was appointed Assistant Professor of Pathology there. Although de Bold trained primarily in biochemistry, he also studied experimental pathology. He used his combined skills to look at the cell biology of the mammalian atrial cardiocyte (heart muscle cell) which culminated in 1980 with the discovery of Atrial Natriuretic Factor (ANF)—a polypeptide hormone produced by the cardiac muscle cell of the heart atrium. He thus demonstrated that the heart has an endocrine function and opened a field of research that has led to many new insights in biology. Besides receiveing many awards for his work, de Bold was also nominated for a Nobel Prize.

Source: de Bold, personal communication

Photo: University of Ottawa department of pathology


Career Advice

Biochemist; Professor of Pathology and Physiology and Director, Cardiac Cell and Molecular Biology Laboratory, University of Ottawa Heart Institute

The Person

February 14, 1942
Parana, Argentina
Ottawa, Ontario
Professor and Director of the Cardiovascular Endocrinology
University of Ottawa Heart Institute
  • BSc National University of Córdoba, 1968
  • MSc Queens University, Kingston, ON, 1972
  • PhD Queens University, Kingston, ON, 1973
  • McLaughlin Medal, 1988
  • Gairdner Foundation International Award, 1986
  • The Ernest C. Manning Principal Award
  • CIBA Award in Hypertension Research
Last Updated
October 13, 2011

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